What to pack for a lawn bowls tournament

  • By: admin
  • Date: February 5, 2024

No matter if it’s a one day local tournament or one for which you will travel and stay over for a few nights, there are certain items you must be certain to take with you in your bowls bag.

What to pack in your bowling bag

It sounds obvious but I have to say it: make sure you have your full set of bowls with you. Don’t leave two behind if you are going to play fours or one behind if you are going to play triples. You may just need the extra bowl(s). Who can say?

And if you come home with a low number of bowls after a tournament, you are almost guaranteed to show up at social or practice short of a bowl or two. So keep your set of bowls complete and in your bowling bag at all times.

Also take all your marking equipment with you. That includes your measure, gums for steadying the jack and bowls when measuring, a board for the scorecard, pencil and/or pen, rubber. Even if you are not playing third or skip someone in your team (or in the rink) might just need an item.

Additional items to put in your bowling bag

  1. A copy of the Conditions of Play for the tournament
  2. Water in refillable water bottle
  3. Sunscreen
  4. Rehidration powder
  5. First aid: Deep Heat, plasters, painkillers, Tums,Imodium
  6. Plastic container for takeaways
  7. Banana (filling, mood lifter)
  8. Sugar snacks
  9. Booster drink powder
  10. Warm jacket, jersey, pullover
  11. Rain jacket
  12. Sunglasses
  13. Rain cover for bag
  14. Tissues
  15. Medication (if you are on it)
  16. Card / cash for club purchases
  17. Phone (turned off) + plug + charger

What bowls bag should you buy?

Experience has shown me that no matter how strong and fit you are, eventually you get tired of lugging a heavy bag around over your shoulder. When next you buy a bowls bag, be sure to look at trolley bags, such as those offered by Drake’s Pride.